How to Get a Marriage License in Georgia

Please note that different counties have different requirements and these are just the basic requirements as they stand at the time of writing. This is not meant to be legal advice of any type. You are advised to double-check all information with the proper county office.

Residency and Age Requirements

Any Georgia resident may apply for a license in any county in Georgia. However, if neither applicant is a resident of Georgia, you may only obtain your license in the county where the ceremony is performed.

As of July 1, 2019:

  • You must be at least 17 years of age to obtain a marriage license in Georgia.
  • If either person is 17 years of age, applicants must complete premarital education and the older applicant can be no more than 4 years older than the younger applicant.
  • If you are 17 years of age when applying for a marriage license, you must show that you have been emancipated for not less than 15 days, and present a certificate of completion of separate specialized premarital counseling for each applicant, even if one applicant is over 18.

Georgia does NOT require blood tests to obtain a marriage license.

Both parties must be present in order to obtain a marriage license.

Identification & Masks

You must present proof of age with one of the following pieces of identification:

  • Valid driver’s license
  • Original or certified copy of birth certificate
  • Valid passport
  • Valid military ID

Be prepared with a mask as many courthouses in Georgia may still require masks to enter.

Previously Divorced?

If either party has been divorced, please be prepared to present a copy of the final signed divorce decree.

Same-Sex marriages?

As of June 26, 2015, the Supreme Court of the United States ruled in the case Obergefell vs. Hodges that same sex marriage is now legal in all fifty (50) states. Please consult an attorney if your same-sex marriage took place prior to June 26, 2015 and you have any question about its legality.

Marriage License Fees

Fees and acceptable forms of payment vary by county, so check with the county office before you apply (links below). Many counties no longer accept cash because of COVID and those that do accept cash often require the exact amount.

In most counties, fees are non-refundable.

You may be able to reduce the fee by completing a qualifying premarital education program.

Premarital Education Program

Under the law, a qualifying premarital education program shall include at least six hours of instruction involving marital issues, which may include but not be limited to conflict management, communication skills, financial responsibilities, child and parenting responsibilities, and extended family roles. The program must have been completed within the 12 months prior to the application, and the couple must have undergone the premarital education together. To qualify, the premarital education must have been performed by a professional counselor, social worker, or marriage and family therapist; a psychiatrist; a psychologist; or an active member of the clergy when in the course of his or her service as clergy, or the designee of such active member of the clergy, provided the designee is skilled and trained in premarital education.

In order to qualify for the reduced fee, the couple must provide the court a signed and dated certificate of completion of a qualifying premarital education program. Download a Certificate of Completion of Qualifying Premarital Education here.

Where to Apply for your Marriage License in Georgia

Typically you apply for the marriage license at the County Probate Court. Many offices want you to have the forms completed except for the signature before you arrive. Some allow you to start the process online, click here for that form.

We have also compiled a list of links to many of the Georgia county websites where you can find additional information.

Georgia County
Marriage License Links

While we try to keep this data up-to-date, links may have changed since our last update. Search for your county probate court or marriage license if these links do not work.