In the hilariously raunchy comedy The People We Hate at the Wedding, dysfunctional American siblings Alice (Kristen Bell) and Paul (Ben Platt), along with their ever-optimistic mom (Allison Janney), are invited to the British wedding of their estranged half-sister Eloise (Cynthia Addai-Robinson) as a chance for them to reconnect as–more or less–adults, and learn to love each other like they once did.
Please caption this photo in the comments below OR share your own funny wedding story.
The first 10 AtlantaBridal registered users (with a valid email address) who comment with either a caption for the Caption This! photo OR a funny wedding related story will win entrance to a Virtual Pre-screening of the hilarious new Kristen Bell comedy, "People We Hate at the Wedding", next Wednesday night. Comments MUST be on the AtlantaBridal website post not on social media.
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